arch-peace news and articles


We're embarking on a strategic plan

After a decade in existence, Architects for Peace has established a significant legacy - including over fifty public talks, three day-long conferences, more than sixty editorials, the establishment of a pro bono architecture service and publication of a book. Ten years is a long time in the life of an organisation. In that time, social networking has been invented, wars have been waged and lost, WikiLeaks has shocked us and ceased to shock us, the people have Occupy-ed and gone home. The world is a different place, and so are we. It seems like the right time to review our legacy and explore our future direction.

To this end, over the coming months, we will be undertaking a strategic planning exercise. During this period, many of our usual activities and operations will be on hold: notably, the 'words' monthly talk series, pro bono service and publication of editorials. We will still update the website, keeping you in the loop as things progress, and we encourage you to continue to share news concerning social justice in the built environment via our facebook page.

We're keen to receive constructive feedback from our members and supporters all over the world in regard to what you like and dislike about what we've done to date, which things you'd do differently and what you'd like to see stay the same. In the short term you can expect to see a few questions appearing on facebook. We will also be developing a series of survey questions, and are hoping to hold at least one open consultation session (in Melbourne, Australia), to enable you to contribute in a more structured way. Stay tuned!

We hope you'll share your thoughts. Should you wish to provide specific feedback, or otherwise take part in this process, we would love to hear from you! Please get in touch at

One more thing... being mostly architects, planners, urban designers and landscape architects - not strategic planners! - we intend to engage a qualified professional to help us through this exercise. If you fit the bill, or know someone who does, please let us know.

We look forward to hearing from you as we embark on this exciting process!


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